Maiden Celebrating Triumph of All-Women Crew Sailing

Tracy Edwards, the British sailor has told TV cameras that she has an absolute hatred for the word feminist. She said this prior to embarking on the race around the world with the first-ever crew consisting of only women in 1989. She says that she likes being allowed to do what she wants. 4 years back, she had made her way to the yacht of South African as a cook. She talks about a new documentary and says that she doesn’t want anything in her life more than to fit in with these guys. However, she was treated just like a servant at the club for boys.

Thereafter, she decided that since she could not join the, she is going to beat them. While she was struggling to raise the sponsorship money and had renovated a secondhand yacht which was re-christened Maiden, the press had ignored the efforts that she had put in. When her crew was able to excel the expectation even in the opening leg of Whitebread Round, the condescension turned to hostility. In fact, a reporter even went on to call the boat as the tinful of tarts.

She says that the aggression against the Maiden made her realize that maybe she is a feminist and she had started a fight that she didn’t realize that she is actually having. Thirty years later when fans of soccer are cheering women in World Cup, Maiden is celebrating female athlete’s defiant spirit who challenged the entrenched sexism of the sporting world.

This is also a great flat-out yarn that has several archival footage which will talking head interviews, Alex Holmes, the directors takes a direct chronological approach which works great the fact fit in perfectly into the 3 act format of the fictional films.